Quests> The Missing Caravan

ID: 137
White Arden
The Missing Caravan
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 23

Basic requirements:

Level 19 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Heralds of the Dead"

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction


NPC:/conclude It seems your time here is drawing to an end. A dark shadow has left the town of Birchkeep, and soon the Baron Ockham will go with it.

NPC:/talk In fact, considering everything you've uncovered, I suspect the Arden Guard will pay him a quiet visit one of these nights, to... expedite his retirement.

NPC:/talk One last thing, friend. We were expecting a shipment of supplies along this eastern road, but it never arrived. If you see our missing traders on the road to Marianople, could you check that they're alright? I'd hate to see them hurt.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

A shipment of supplies never made it to White Arden. Find the missing supply cart on the road to Marianople.


Visit specific place