Quests> Firran Melody

ID: 11020
Chapter 1: Bard of the Plains
2. Firran Melody
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Race {name}

Completed the quest ""


NPC:/dialogue Now, I'll explain it so don't get me wrong. I am currently researching about the bards.

NPC:/dialogue I'm well aware that the Firran do not want any information about the bards or melodies to leak to outsiders. But then, things must be recorded, or else they disappear, don't they?

NPC:/worry According to my findings, the Firran really need the powers of the bards right now. They need to protect the Great Prairie.

NPC:/dialogue I swear that all my research and studies will not harm the Firran.

NPC:/worry If you want, I will share my research with the you, the Firran. So, think about it. I hope you can consider helping me fulfill my scholarly desires!

NPC:/dialogue So, you'll help! I'm glad. I trust that you'll have an easy time figuring things out since you're a Firran.

NPC:/dialogue Ask the Firran at Windwhip Temporary Post of Great Prairie of the West about the melodies and the legendary bards.


Stage summary:

Talk to the Firran at Windwhip Temporary Post in Great Prairie of the West to investigate about the melody and the bard.


NPC:/worry Even the Windwhip do not share the information about the bards for security purposes. Only the investigators know. I'm sorry I can't help out.


Stage summary:

Talk to the Firran at Windwhip Temporary Post in Great Prairie of the West to investigate about the melody and the bard.


NPC:/dialogue One does not choose to become a bard, and a bard does not simply disappear. There's no way that they no longer exist. Don't waste your time with such worries, and help around a bit.


Stage summary:

Talk to the Firran at Windwhip Temporary Post in Great Prairie of the West to investigate about the melody and the bard.


NPC:/dialogue Even if you are also a Firran like us, it's not good to pry around. Especially when you consider the impact that the melodies would have to the Firran, you should be very careful.


Stage summary:

Talk to the Firran at Windwhip Temporary Post in Great Prairie of the West to investigate about the melody and the bard.


NPC:/worry What a useless question. The bards still live on. I can't tell you the details, but no need to spread around panic. Heed my words.


Stage summary:

Talk to at Windwhip Temporary Post in Great Prairie of the West.


NPC:/worry Huh? Are you @PC_NAME(0)?

NPC:/dialogue Ah, it's you! I'm Kashimu. I'm an active member of the Crimson Watch.

NPC:/explain @PC_NAME(0), though you may not know me, I have heard many stories about your fame, @PC_NAME(0)! What brings you to the Great Prairie of the West?

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