Quests> Ghost Ship's Curse

ID: 10817
3. Ghost Ship's Curse
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Only Regrets"


NPC:Your friend was cursed by a ghost ship? I have noticed some irregularities with the ghost ships' activities, but this is my first time to hear that its curse can even affect people on land.

NPC:I've been getting a lot of visitors looking for information on ghost ships. Something serious must be happening above the surface.

NPC:While I'm familiar with curses in general, I don't know much about the ghost ship's curse. However, I have seen the recent changes of ghost ships with my own two eyes.

NPC:This was all started when the Akasch invasion caused Abyssal Energy to leak out of the Abyss at the bottom of the ocean.

NPC:I think the negative energy of the greed, frustration, and rage haunting the ghost ships reacted to the Abyssal Energy.

NPC:At any rate, a ghost ship's curse can only be lifted by its crew. I have heard that some of them like pirates. Maybe you could ask for their help?

NPC:Sorry I can't help much.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Pirate Noier on Growlgate Isle.


NPC:/dialogue You're back! What did he say? Is there a way to lift the curse?

NPC:/dialogue Pfft, ee was no help at all! But what Neuma said sounds promising.


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