Quests> Runaway Paddleboat

ID: 10732
Commemorative Event
Runaway Paddleboat
Requires precompleted quest:

Basic requirements:

Level 30 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A Sweet Reward"


NPC:/suffer Greeniette, my love! Our families might not approve of our love, but I don't care anymore!

NPC:/talk They've been threatening with disowning me and stripping me of all my titles, but I don't care anymore! None of it matters if I can't be with you!

NPC:/happy I'm so glad to hear you say this, Yateo. I feel the same way... I don't care what my family thinks anymore, all I care about is being with you!

NPC:/talk But as long as we stay here, they will never stop harrassing us, so why don't we run away? Sail across the ocean, far away from all of them!

NPC:/talk I would love to run away with you, my princess, but how do we cross the ocean? We don't have a boat or the neccessary ressources to obtain one.

NPC:/talk I guess I could sneak back home and grab some gold to pay a boat builder, but I wasn't very careful when I came here. What if my family finds out what we're planning?

NPC:/talk No, that's too risky! If they find out and catch you, they will lock you up and never let you leave unguarded again. We have to do this now...

NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0), we don't have much to offer as a reward, but would you be able to help us craft a boat?


Accept quest from NPC




NPC:/happy This boat is wonderful! Thank you for your help and we will never forget what you've done for us!


Report to NPC