Quests> Facing the Wizard

ID: 10671
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
26. Facing the Wizard
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Where's Raeven?"


NPC:/worry Hold on… what is this sudden burst of energy… ugh… my head is pounding… it's coming from the Haven…

NPC:/talk The Ethereal Haven? Louisa and Timbo were assaulted there by the Akasch right before we found Tukko, Brooks and Wrex in the Lost Cenote. They killed one of our fellow Ipnysh Wardens.

NPC:/talk I can feel Raeven's energy pouring from the Haven… he's there right now, I have to go and stop him!

NPC:/talk He's there right now? And you want to face him without any preparations? The Risopoda is not restored yet and…

NPC:/talk We don't have time to prepare, the time has come. If we're lucky he's there by himself, but no matter the odds or cost, this man must be stopped! Stay here if you like, I'm going.

NPC:/talk We won't abandon you now! Louisa and Nami, you will stay here and work on the Risopoda. @PC_NAME(0) and Timbo, you should come with us and help us face Raeven.

NPC:/talk Brooks, you will also stay here and assist these Ipnysh Wardens with their work and should we all die during this excursion, tell our brothers and sisters what happened here. Prepare them for the war to come.

NPC:/talk You will not die today, Damian and neither will any of you, so go punch your grandpa into the ground and return to us victorious.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Travel to the Gleaming Grove to use the Haven Teleporter und use it to move up to the Ethereal Haven.



Stage summary:

Talk to Damian at the Ethereal Haven.


NPC:/talk I can feel Raeven's energy coming from this portal, he must have entered it.


Report to the Object