Quests> [Tutorial] Synthesize Explorer's Equipment

ID: 10553
Tutorial Quests
[Tutorial] Synthesize Explorer's Equipment
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 7

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf



Stage requirements:

No "Synthesize Explorer's Equipment" quest completed

No quest "Synthesize Explorer's Equipment" in progress

Completed the quest "Ynga's Schematics"


NPC:/waving Hello, @PC_NAME(0)! What can I do for you today?

You:I'd like to do the "Synthesize Explorer's Equipment" tutorial.

NPC:/check Oh, you didn't complete the tutorial "Synthesize Explorer's Equipment" yet? I can help you with that.

NPC:/handover I'll give you the items you need to complete this tutorial, but be careful not to abandon the quest. I can't offer you the tutorial Synthesize Explorer's Equipment a second time.