Quests> Dahuta's Black Pearl

ID: 10475
3. Dahuta's Black Pearl
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "To Freedich"


NPC:/give What an unusual Black Pearl you have there. As you already guessed, this is no ordinary pearl but a token of sorts often found on followers of the Goddess Dahuta.

NPC:/surprise It is said that her poisonous kiss rots the pearl and infests whatever body ingests said pearl with her curse.

NPC:/fear It's not just some story or legend, it's the truth! I swear it by all the Gods there are.

NPC:/talk I was a lieutenant in Captain Rangora's fleet and was by her side the day the Kraken smashed her ship and drowned her dead. I washed up here on Freedich and wept for our captain for days.

NPC:/fear Until I saw her walking on the beach one day, but she wasn't herself anymore. Her skin was blue and swollen from being submerged in the sea for days. Flesh was missing from parts of her body and she was barely able to lift her legs, stomping through the sand.

NPC:/fear But then, she swallowed a pearl that looks just like that one you're holding and all of a sudden her appearance returned to normal. She was as beautiful as the day I stood next to her and walked with grace. I knew right then and there something was wrong.

NPC:/talk If that's true, then Rangora the Oathbound carries that pearl inside her at this very moment. I never knew the reasons behind her appearing on Freedich and fighting.

NPC:/talk But you don't have to be a genius to know that the Goddess Dahuta is a spiteful, evil deity and all of her followers know nothing but hate.

NPC:/talk Unfortunately Rangora the Oathbound doesn't show up often on Freedich, but if you manage to catch her, make sure you help her poor soul find peace, by removing Dahuta's Black Pearl from her body.

NPC:/talk Once you retrieved that pearl, I'd suggest you look for a person called Lucius Qunito on Ynys Isle. He knows all sorts of stories and might be able to tell you more about what happened to Rangora.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Defeat Rangora the Oathbound on Freedich Island.



Stage summary:

Collect Rangora's Diary from Rangora's body on Freedich Island.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Collect Dahuta's Black Pearl from Rangora's body on Freedich Island.



Stage summary:

Travel to Ynys Isle and talk to Lucius Quinto.


NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0)! It has been far too long since we last spoke.


Report to NPC