Quests> Dawnsliver Witnesses

ID: 10458
4. Dawnsliver Witnesses
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Gregor the Murderer"


NPC:/talk You're here on behalf of Farmer Gregor? Praise the Gods, I was so worried about him and his little girl. I've known them a long time and they're hard working, honest people.

NPC:/talk I don't know what exactly happened when the guards came to arrest him, but I heard he is accused of murder?! I hope that's not true and it's plain silly. Gregor would never do such a thing.

NPC:/talk Feel free to talk to any of the villagers in Dawnsliver, they'll tell you the same.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Worker Durein in Dawnsliver, Marianople.


NPC:/talk Gregor? Yeah, I know him. He's a hard worker and does everything he can to help his family live a good life. He is also kind and cares for his community.

NPC:/talk Whenever my crops are ready for harvest, he makes time in his busy schedule to help me get the work done. That's the kind of person he is... always helping others.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Piany in Dawnsliver, Marianople.


NPC:/talk Gregor? Are you looking for him? I haven't seen him for a couple of days... come to think of it, that is really strange. He always checks in with me to see if I have all the ingredients I need for my stews.

NPC:/talk His produce is the absolute best around here and he always gives me first pick. I think it's all the love and care he puts into his crops, that make his vegetables taste so special.



Stage summary:

Talk to Shepherd Luka in Dawnsliver, Marianople.


NPC:/fear What? I already told the guards it was the man with the hat that killed that noble, but I don't know anything else. Please, just get him arrested, he's a horrible person!

NPC:/fear I swear, I don't know anything else. Why does he continue to follow me? I just want him to leave me alone!


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Innkeeper Brill in Dawnsliver, Marianople.


NPC:/talk You're back. Did you have a chance to talk to some of the villagers?

NPC:/surprise Shepherd Luka? He seems like a nice guy, but he is a little bit odd. He moved to Dawnsliver from Windshade a couple months ago. What did he say?


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