Quests> Shaman Rituals

ID: 10419
Chapter 3: The Nuon Dragon War
11. Shaman Rituals
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Catching Up"


NPC:/talk You captured a Minotaur and Estio is questioning him now? A very bold approach, but not the worst idea I've heard, if you have the strength to restrain them.

NPC:/talk The average Minotaur fighter is pretty darn stupid and probably will give away some information if the whole situation is approached the right way.

NPC:/talk I'm glad you came back to see me though, because I wanted to tell you what else I saw and heard while being a prisoner in their fortress. The dragon and Wyrmkin were the most important parts, but there is more.

NPC:/talk The reason they captured me, is because I heard a horrific scream, just as I was about to head back here. The sound of someone dying no doubt, so I went back to take a look what happened.

NPC:/talk But I didn't make it far before they spotted me and took me as a prisoner. As they dragged me to my cage, I saw their shamans perform some sort of ritual at the heart of their fortress.

NPC:/talk Not the one where they drain Wyrmkin to created a super Wyrmkin though. A single shaman was slowly channeling the power of a Wyrmkin into his staff. It must have been very painful, because those were the screams I heard.

NPC:/talk And when the Wyrmkin's liveless body finally slumped to the floor, the shaman smashed his staff into the ground and a roaring lightning channeled in the sky.

NPC:/talk A few seconds later, the lightning struck the ground at the heart of the Dragonroar Fortress, which triggered a small, but noticable quake and the raw power of magic crackled through the air.

NPC:/talk After seeing this, I not only believe that they are creating a super Wyrmkin, but they might be using this specific ritual I saw to awaken Xaeldryn.

NPC:/talk What if it's sleeping under the Dragonroar Fortress and the Minotaurs are trying to wake it by creating giant earthquakes? They drug the Wyrmkin to make them strong and harvest their power.

NPC:/talk Then they use that power to create giant earthquakes. I am no longer convinced that the earthquake was a force of nature. It was the Minotaurs that caused it.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Report to Estio in Lavis, Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/talk Welcome back, @PC_NAME(0)! How was your trip to the Bonefence Hutment? Aranbot must be back safe, based on the amount of time it took to come back.

NPC:/talk We're both curious to hear what information he had to share, since his claim of a Giant Wyrmkin and Xaeldryn seem to be true. He has an exceptional nose for investigation.
