Quests> Jail Break

ID: 10413
Chapter 3: The Nuon Dragon War
5. Jail Break
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Aranbot is Missing"


NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0)! I have never been more happy to see a familiar face in my life. Those cow heads caught me as soon as you left to track that suspicious person and took me captive.

NPC:/talk I managed to wiggle out of my constraints, but wouldn't dare trying to make a run past those warriors and berserkers. I was lucky they didn't kill me on spot, but that exit over there would be certain death for me.

NPC:/talk I was hoping Gias would become suspicious of my disappearance and send you to come free me eventually. Thank the Gods you took the risk to come and find me.

NPC:/talk My captivity wasn't for nothing though. What these idiots can offer in strength, they lack in their head. I overheard several concerning conversations during my short stay here.

NPC:/talk They didn't bother being cautious what and where they talk about their business inside the fortress and if I'm good at anything in life, it's observing.

NPC:/talk I hope your investigation into the suspicious person ended with at least some good news for us, because what I heard here is nothing but trouble for all of Karkasse.

NPC:/talk When the guards rotated, they talked about a different site in the fortress where the Minotaur Shamans perform some sort of ritual to steal the Wyrmkin's power.

NPC:/talk They are forcing the captured Wyrmkin to drink water that makes them explode with rage and power, then the Minotaur Shamans steal said power and focus it on a single Wyrmkin that they also control.

NPC:/talk Do you understand what that means? They're creating some sort of super Wyrmkin that absorbs the sheer destructive power of dozens of other enraged Wyrmkin, if not more!

NPC:/talk And that's not the worst of it yet. I don't know if this is even possible, but the Minotaurs are working on a way to summon a dragon that they can control.

NPC:/talk They said once the dragon awakes, it will hunt and destroy everyone who stood against the great God Misagon and all who are allied with them.

NPC:/talk I don't know who they think is still alive that fought in the Dragon War thousands of year ago, but the outlook of another hostile dragon is a troubling thought regardless.

NPC:/talk We have enough problems with the Red and Black Dragon roaming these lands, we don't need more of them. Estio can tell you all about them, if you don't believe me.

NPC:/talk They even named the dragon: Xaeldryn the Gray. Anyway, this is not the time or place to talk. Help me escape and then see that Estio receives word of our discoveries.

NPC:/talk If you can take down the Wyrmkin Warriors and the Minotaur Berserker guarding the entrance, I think I can make if back to the Bonefence Hutment safe.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Defeat the Blackscale Wyrmkin Warriors and the Minotaur Berserker to create an opening for Aranbot to escape, then travel to Lavis and report to Estio.



Stage summary:

Travel to Lavis, Karkasse Ridgelands and report to Estio.


NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0)! What a relief to see you're back safe!

NPC:/talk Gias came and delivered the Minotaur Chest you recovered while investigating some suspicious person he said. He also told me that Aranbot might have gotten captured by the Minotaurs.

NPC:/talk I took the liberty to check the chest's contents and had Sardin examine a small sample of the powder I found in it. I remembered what you said about the air, soil and water samples the two of you tested before.

NPC:/talk And sure enough, Sardin confirmed that it's the same substance. Dragon bone, likely collected from one of the many carcasses left behind, in a highly concentrated form.
