Quests> Minotaur Powder

ID: 10411
Chapter 3: The Nuon Dragon War
3. Minotaur Powder
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Liar Liar"


NPC:/talk Wait, wait, don't hurt me! You... you followed me here from Karkasse and you saw me talk to the Minotaurs?

NPC:/talk Ok I'll tell you the truth, but only if you promise to protect me from the Minotaurs if they decide to come after me. Do we have a deal?

NPC:/talk My name is Kabisch and I'm a mercenary for hire. The Minotaurs summoned me to Karkasse with the promise of great riches. They asked me to toss a bunch of powder into Lake Dragontear and also the groundwater of Cinderstone.

NPC:/talk They told me it's a great mineral that makes the water more healthy and nutritious for everyone. I'm not a complete idiot and tried to deny the task, after which they threatened to kill my wife, should I not obey.

NPC:/talk I went ahead and tossed the powder into Lake Dragontear to save my own skin and then rode off to Cinderstone for part two of my task, but I promise I never intended to follow through with it here.

NPC:/talk In fact, you're more than welcome to have the powder they gave me, I want nothing to do with it. It's in this Minotaur Chest. Please, I promise I meant no harm, but I wasn't ready to let my wife die over it.


Interact with the Object to accept quest
Quest items



Stage summary:

Return to the Bonefence Hutment in Karkasse Ridgelands and deliver the Minotaur Chest.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Talk to Gias at the Bonefence Hutment in Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/dialogue Good to see you again, @PC_NAME(0)! I already sent word to Estio about your excursion into the Fortress. Anything else you need before you and Aranbot go?


Report to NPC