Quests> A New Lead

ID: 10406
Chapter 2: The Nuon Dragon War
13. A New Lead
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Dragon Bone Traces"


NPC:/talk Gods bless those wonderful Wyrmkin and YOU for finding a temporary cure. I understand that this isn't the solution to our problem, but Tania already started to at least get some relief.

NPC:/talk I'm grateful that Sardin reached out to us and that you took time to help him analyze the potential environmental influences. The results from your research are troubling, but also give us an idea what we're up against.

NPC:/talk I can believe this theory much better than Artena's claim that we're living on top of a giant, sleeping dragon. The question remains however, how the bone was distributed then.

NPC:/talk While I work on figuring out our next steps with this information, I have another task for you. I finally found someone who claims to know more about the Minotaurs and their possible involvement.

NPC:/talk This person goes by the name Aranbot and is currently at the Bonefence Hutment southeast from Lavis.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Travel to the Bonefence Hutment southeast of Lavis and talk to Aranbot.


NPC:/talk Hello, I am Aranbot, that is right. And who might you be?

NPC:/talk Oh, let me guess! You're with the Crimson Watch, here to learn more about the recent Minotaur activities, right?


Report to the Object