Quests> Afflicted Warborn

ID: 10394
Chapter 2: The Nuon Dragon War
1. Afflicted Warborn
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Artena's Theory"


NPC:/talk Not much rest needed, huh? I see you're as much concerned and involved with this, as I am. I'm really grateful for your help, @PC_NAME(0).

NPC:/talk While you were gone, Tania suddenly started to suffer from similar symptoms as the Wyrmkin. As you are aware, she happens to be a Warborn.

NPC:/talk She confessed that she started feeling under the weather shortly after the earthquake, but that it was just a mild headache at first, so she didn't think it was serious.

NPC:/talk Her symptoms kept getting worse and yesterday she finally complained about nightmares and hallucinations. I was hopeful that it's just a coincidence, but after what you've told me, I am no longer convinced.

NPC:/talk We have to see if more Warborn in Karkasse share her afflictions. Perhaps it's best if you go and see her first, so she can tell you herself what exactly happened.

NPC:/talk Tania is currently resting at the Community Center and some friends of the Blue Salt Brotherhood are watching over her.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Check on Tania at the Community Center in Lavis, Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0), I'm so happy to see you. Please tell me you bring good news from your investigation and that you've found the source of the Wyrmkin problem.


Report to the Object