Quests> An Attempted Escape

ID: 10102
Chapter 27: Garden of the Gods
13. An Attempted Escape
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 81

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Anthalon's Lair"


You:What a coward, he teleported away! But he might still be somewhere in the Delphinad Mirage, I should hurry and leave this place to try to find him!


Visit specific place to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Leave Anthalon's Lair to return to the Shadowhawk Citadel in the Delphinad Mirage and chase after him.


Visit specific place

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Melisara outside the Shadowhawk Citadel in the Delphinad Mirage.


NPC:What? You found a secret room in the basement with an odd mechanic to open a portal to Anthalon's lair? And you fought Anthalon in said lair and rescued a bunch of Shadowhawk souls?

NPC:/worry Didn't I tell you to come find me if you find anything in the basement, you idiot?! It's a miracle you're still alive!

NPC:If you ever disobey my orders again, I'll kill you myself, got it?! No more of this heroic crap you're trying to pull, you now have me and my men to help you, so stop being reckless!


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