Guides> Guild Info

May 07 2024 6:28 PM
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Overview: Missions
Chapter 3 - Overview: Buffs
Chapter 4 - Custom Content

With 8.0 the game got a whole lot of content that pushes people to work together as a guild to complete group missions, such as to kill mobs together, or to join in for faction content to kill world bosses. Teamwork is basically required to activate the new guild buff system.
What follows is an overview of available group and solo missions, and the amount of guild exp and prestige they yield. I also included data of the prestige cost for the guild buffs. At the end there is a bit of info regarding the custom guild content, including a link to the corresponding forum page.

Overview: Missions
Group missions
The group missions are weeklies which must be done by all guild members and can be rerolled by the guild lead for 40 prestige if they are not doable to finish within a week’s time.
The missions to complete 1250/700/300 solo missions might seem very overwhelming at first glance, but it is actually easily done by spamming the 5th solo guild mission “Guild Supplies Distribution” by donating materials to the guild manager. All you would need to do is gather materials as a guild.
The missions to kill mobs do not progress if in a raid, only solo kills or party kills will count. World boss missions, however, do count in a raid and regular world boss quests are not required for it.
The reward for the different mission levels are as follows:

The prestige earned from these missions will not count towards the daily prestige limit!

Overall, looking at the increase of the missions’ requirements versus the increase of the reward, it seems most worth it to do the general missions. For example, I assume killing 33k more mobs for that advanced mission, to gain a measly 400 bonus prestige, would be a waste of time for most people.
Example: using recovery items
The cheapest way to finish the mission to use pots/foods (general level) is to spam Sweet Breads and Sweet Soups. As a guild effort, you can grind out the mats and craft them, and then team up together to use them at the end of the week. Below is an overview of mats required.
Note: 40k cooking is required to craft these rank 4 items! Combining the cooking furniture and dawnsdrop will be exactly what you need if you lack the proficiency.
As players probably use pots and foods throughout the week anyway, get together on Sundays to finish this mission with these freshly crafted rank 4s!
Example: killing mobs
Does your guild have some time to spare during the weekend and did you guys end up with the beginner mission to kill 18k mobs? Consider spamming easy mob kills for the mission’s completion!
Hang out in discord together while you split up in-game to kill mobs separately.
Use mob locations such as:
  • Custom quest mob locations- as described in this Dream Ring section, pages 23-25.- in Diamond Shores at Riven Gates.
  • Other easy zones in Auroria:- Western Hiram Mountains- Diamond Shores- Golden Ruins
It is recommended to do this with at least 5-10 guildies to make it go faster. Don’t waste all your time if you don’t have the people, then it’s better to reroll the mission.
Example: vocation grind
For a list of vocation sources and vocation buffs, check out this sheet. Of course, using labor to harvest crops, bundles, and trees, as well as for mining and fishing, will reward vocation badges.
Solo missions
The top guild mission cannot be changed and is simply running a guild pack like before. The other four missions can be rerolled if you prefer, even though most of them can be completed in the blink of an eye… Each member can reroll their solo missions 3x per day.
Note: when you re-lock a mission, it’s highly likely you get the same mission as there are so few options. Thankfully they’re all easy. On the next page is an overview with mission rewards.
The quest to kill 50 mobs counts in raids, unlike the group mission mentioned previously. The supplies mission can be repeated endlessly as long as you have the materials.

Join events to easily complete:
  • Honor missions
  • Mob missions
  • Exp missions

For easy vocation gain, visit the Nui statue and do the quests available there, or complete your labor contracts for both exp and vocation.

Is your character a Harani? Use the nifty race skill to reset your recall for your guild mission, if you don’t fancy waiting around.
The missions generally reward the same for the exp and prestige grind, the only variables being the mission to open worldgates and the one to supply materials.

Solo missions and their rewards
Overview: Buffs
Below you can see the prestige cost for each buff, including:
  • each level per buff
  • all levels for one buff
  • all buffs to a level
  • the grand total 💀

As you can see, if a buff has fewer levels, it starts at a higher cost. For example, Spring Walk and Greed for Treasure can max out to level 7, so their prestige cost starts at a lv2 cost of 4k prestige instead of a lv1 cost of 2k prestige.
To upgrade buffs past level 5, guilds will have to place a guild house, for which guild leads can buy full kit designs in the prestige store. The smaller versions need the improved guild shop.
Generally, it’s easier to first buy the lower levels of a buff, and to keep the higher ones, especially lv8, for the very last, as the cost increases exponentially and there’s a limit to prestige earned per week.
Warning, important and long text ahead, read carefully!
Let’s sketch an ideal but unlikely scenario: a level 8 guild which reaches its daily prestige limit every day of the week, and which manages to complete two advanced missions every week:
  • Daily prestige limit: 4500 per day, 31,500 for a week.
  • Two group missions of 2400 prestige ea, for 4800 total.
  • Therefore, theoretically a lv8 guild can earn 36.3k prestige a week
The grand total of prestige required to level up all buffs is 1.743.000, excluding the cost for buying a guild house and paying prestige tax every week.
Looking purely at the basic prestige required and maximum prestige earned, it will take just over 48 weeks to acquire all the guild buffs. Considering this is an unlikely scenario, guilds can expect to take well over a year to grind out all of the buffs, especially as prestige has to be used for the upkeep of the guild house as well.

Due to this time constraint, it is highly recommended to make choices. This means thinking carefully about which buffs to upgrade first, for which you can consider the following:
  • Which buffs are the most rewarding for the prestige spent?
Example: Spending 2k prestige on a +1% PvE damage increase at lv1 is a lot cheaper than spending 45k prestige on the last +1% for lv8.
  • Which buffs fit the overall direction of your guild?
Example: if your guild adopts lowbies/newbies, an exp buff is more useful than if your guild is endgame focussed.
  • What does your guild actually need?
Example: There’s a default ability to flare up to 10 people. Consider how often you would flare guildies, and how many there would be to flare in general. Do you really need to burn any prestige on the flare increase buff?
  • What are your guild’s priorities?
Example: let’s say you want certain buffs like the glider buff, health buff, and trauma decrease buff. Consider spending prestige on the more important buffs first. Especially if your priority would be less trauma time because it’s useful during content, but gliding speed is just a nice bonus to have when stealing packs.
Custom Content
Guild Functions
On the AR server, guild leads can spend guild exp to buy custom guild functions, for detailed information check out this forum thread. The main thing to know about it is that every new guild needs to activate the ability to buy this content by doing a short questline, for which you need at least 6 other guild members aside from the guild leader.
The available guild functions are:
  • A guild bank
  • An extra guild buff
  • The improved guild store
  • Custom daily quests
Since 8.0, the custom guild buff can now be viewed in the new guild buff UI:
The buff shown here is the default buff for a lv8 guild, and all guild members can opt to change their personal buff at any guild manager.

The third option at the guild manager has the buff change.
Check out the next page for an overview of stats per class and per guild level.
Note: Swapping your guild buff costs gold; the same amount as you would spend for swapping to a skillsaver or a different stat migration.
If you’re a new player, I recommend choosing the Defender buff to be able to survive a tad easier during any content, be it PvE or PvP.
While the UI shows all the buffs, you will only get the buff that matches whichever buff rank has been activated by the guild leader. If the custom buff has not been activated, you cannot use this change function either.
The buff icon in the guild UI will change according to which buff you picked.

Overview: custom guild buffs

While you can activate the custom guild content for a week at a time, with each reset being on Mondays, it is possible to prolong all the things for multiple weeks at a time by clicking the prolong button in the guild functions UI.
One week activation
Prolonged activation
Note: if you activate any of the functions on say a Wednesday or Thursday, the reset will still be on the following Monday. To make the most use of guild exp, activate things on Mondays.

For this custom content, it is also possible to assign permissions to manage both the guild functions and prestige related things. This means multiple people can activate and prolong the functions, and that more people can access the prestige store and apply buffs.
Other custom things
Another custom guild aspect is that a guild exp reward has been added to several event quests, to balance out the fact that exp is consumed to activate the custom content.
Then, whereas legacy servers had the guild exp yield from experia removed, it got returned here on the private server per player request.
Moving on, the guild house also has some custom features:
  • A 3-day memory ember, instead of 1-day;
  • Pickup point for the custom daily quests;
  • Option to change your custom guild buff.