Задания> Drenching Arena

ID: 10336
Drenching Arena

Уровень задания: 50

Основные требования:

Уровень 35 - без ограничения



Диалоги этапа:

NPC:/dialogue To please the goddess Lansisha, you need to enter the Mirror Dimension and compete in her games.

NPC:/cheer There's no better way to cool off during hot days, than participating in the "Drenching Arena", where competitors blast each other with waterguns. It's fun and there's even some rewards in it for you!

NPC:/talk If you do well, the Goddess will reward you with Lansisha's Crystals and that's where I come in. I'm a dedicated collector of those crystals, so the more you bring me, the better the rewards I give you.

События этапа:


Задание этапа:

Enter the Drenching Arena via an Arena Recruiter during the festival period.

События этапа:

Цель получить предмет

Задание этапа:

Deliver Переливчатая капляs to Азир, распорядитель боев.

Диалоги этапа:

NPC:/best Hey, you got some crystals! Here, I'll trade you for some of these Magic Mirror Fragments; collect enough of them, and you can extract valuable magic items from the Mirror Dimension.


События этапа:

Выдается предмет на выбор
Выдается предмет на выбор
Выдается предмет