Quests> Protégez Rangora !

ID: 9096
Île de Grondeportail
Protégez Rangora !

Quest level: 50

Basic requirements:

Level 30 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Member of "Pirate" faction


NPC:/peur Ohé l’ami. Attends un peu !

NPC:/soupirer Bounty Hunters be threatenin' our Capitaine Rangora! She be all alone on Freedich Isle, arrr in Sunspeck Sea. We need t' gather more crews t' help the captain.

NPC:/triste Captain Rangora always help the weakest shipmates like me. Please sail to the isle, and don't let the hunters hurt her!


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Allez parler à Capitaine Rangora sur la Mer de Solnævus.


NPC:/sombre ...Aye. I don't know why they'd bother t' worry bout me. At least, that be lessenin' me loneliness.

NPC:/soupirer Honestly, I do not know the reason why I am getting the attention from the hunters. They said if we bring more of us on this isle, they would also bring more to defeat us. I just wanted to stay here quietly, but they refused to listen.

NPC:/souffrance Who am I, really? I cannot remember anything. I don't get why the dead and monsters answer to my call. I shouldn't let my shipmates see my weakness.

NPC:/nope Je ne mérite pas de mourir ainsi! Protégez-moi, compagnons pirates, et je saurai vous récompenser. Une fois ceci fait, mon messager vous attendra à Grondeportail.



Stage requirements:

Member of "Pirate" faction

Stage summary:

Protégez Capitaine Rangora de ses assaillants. Si elle survit aux assauts, Le messager de Rangora vous récompensera pour votre aide à l'Île de Grondeportail.

Les chasseurs de prime peuvent apparaître selon la force des pirates qui ont accepté la quête.


NPC:/triste Thank ye for savin' Captain Rangora. She is the hope in this remoted isle. Bless ye!




Honor points
200 honor points