Quests> Slayer of Gods

ID: 9000025
Chapter 100: The New beginning!
15. Slayer of Gods
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Recruits to be!"


NPC:We have bad news. After your departure alot things happened.

NPC:The battle between the continents and races did not stop till now and one time while the battle was going on, something appeared that we could have never expected or ever imagined.

NPC:Mighty enemies... of which you told me, woke up. Constant battles and endless skirmishes could not even distract them.

NPC:The information from your report tell us that it was them they were talking about.

NPC:This is not the first time, in the past, fierce fighting also took place and it all ended with the awakening of one very dangerous enemy.

NPC:However, in the past the parties in conflict managed to jointly defeat the enemy together. Now each side of the conflict is looking only for its own benefit.

NPC:In several places of our world there is an invasion, Crimson rift... Grimghast Rift... very ancient and very dangerous enemies... We have no choice but to act against our enemies ourselves.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

- Defeat Guerriers du cauchemar during a Grimghast Rift in Cinderstone Moor or Ynystere.
- Contribute to defeating a Chien de Kyrios at the end of a Crimson Rift.


Stage summary:

- Defeat Guerriers du cauchemar during a Grimghast Rift in Cinderstone Moor or Ynystere.
- Contribute to defeating a Chien de Kyrios at the end of a Crimson Rift.




NPC:Wow! you managed to destroy the enemies! The stories about this battle are truly breathtaking!

NPC:Believe me, each of the dead will be forever immortalized in myths! The time has come for the parties of the conflict to negotiate.

NPC:Infinite battles will not lead to peace, but only push for more bloodshed. Your help in destroying the forces of evil has greatly helped everyone.

NPC:Once again I thank you for your help... your courage and strength and spirit in doing the right thing does not equal to anyone else.
Thank you, Slayer of the Gods!




Vocation Badges
10000 vocation badges
Honor points
10000 honor points