Skills> Cursed Thorns

ID: 46140
Cursed Thorns (Rank 2)

Mana: 105

Range: Caster Only

Magic Attack: +90%

Cast Time: 1.5 sec

Cooldown Time: 30 sec

Infects the caster with cursed seeds, preparing the effects of Cursed Thorns: Stone for 30 sec.

Taking a specific amount of damage while Cursed Thorns: Stone is active, triggers the effects of the skill.
This effect can't be stolen or removed by enemies.

Cursed Thorns: Stone:
Inflicts Cursed Thorns on the first attacker within 12m, dealing 299 (264 + 90% Magic Attack) Magic Damage.
If the caster is under the effect of Poison, Bleeding, or Stalker's Mark, the debuffs are removed from the caster and Sharp Thorns is inflicted on the first attacker within 12m, dealing 299 (264 + 90% Magic Attack) Magic Damage.
Adds an additional Cooldown of up to +10 sec to Cursed Thorns: Stone once activated.
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