Skills> Meteor Strike

ID: 36478
Meteor Strike (Rank 2)

Mana: 1629

Range: 0 - 28 m

Magic Attack: +450%

Cast Time: 5 sec

Cooldown Time: 28 sec

Effect Granted:

Summons a barrage of giant hailstones to obliterate the target area, inflicting up to 2853 (2676 + 450% Magic Attack) Magic Damage per hailstone.
Inflicts Deep Freeze on all enemies hit 5 or more times, Confining them for 14 sec.
Being damaged by a direct attack will free the targets early, but debuffs that deal damage over time will not end this effect.
Deep Freeze duration reduced -50% in PvP.
Does no damage to targets under the effects of Deep Freeze.
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