Skills> Behind Enemy Lines

ID: 23587
Behind Enemy Lines (Rank 1)

Mana: 157

Range: 6 - 20 m

Melee Attack: +165%


Cooldown Time: 21 sec

Effect Granted:

Perform a high leap that lands at the target location, dealing 927 (864 + 165% Melee Attack) Melee Damage to all enemies within the area of effect.
Inflicts Slowed on all affected enemies, reducing their Move Speed -27%, Attack Speed -75, and Skill Damage -8% for 3 sec.

Can't be used while Snared.
buff buff
Inflicts Distressed on Snared targets for 7 sec.
buff buff
Trips targets under the effect of Sleep for 2.5 sec
(Increases duration +1 sec if equipped with a 2H weapon)
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