Quests> Forever Young

ID: 9955
Chapter 4: The King's Dream
8. Forever Young
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Crown Prince's Relic"


NPC:/talk I think it's time we have a serious talk with the Crown Prince about this Sacred Relic of his and how Calleil managed to break through the barrier using it.

NPC:/talk If you don't mind, I shall accompany you on your journey to Perinoor. I have channeled as much power as I can spare into this ancient seal and it should be stable for a while now.

NPC:/thank You are more than welcome to accompany us. Any friend of @PC_NAME(0) is also a friend of the Children of Ipnya.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to the Crown Prince at the Goldscale Sanctuary in Perinoor Ruins.


NPC:Nadan, how good of you to come and see me. You will be pleased to know, that @PC_NAME(0) delivered the blood.

NPC:/give @PC_NAME(0) found your long lost relic and is here to return it. I assume this means you no longer have need for my services.

NPC:You found my Sacred Relic? That is wonderful news indeed. Does that mean Calleil... is no longer?

NPC:I can tell from your concerned faces, that you have questions. Allow me to show you my gratitude for returning this item, by sharing all the knowledge I possess about it.

NPC:You must promise not to ridicule me though. I don't often share this insight, because most wouldn't believe me anyway, but what I'm about to tell you is nothing but the truth.

NPC:I was a young man when Empress Pavitra ruled the land. Very handsome too, and a devoted worshipper of the Gods. One night, a mysterious voice spoke to me in my dreams.

NPC:It told me to find a specific piece of obsidian and engrave it with an intricate pattern. The voice was warm and kind and promised my troubles would be rewarded.

NPC:I honored the request and spent a long time searching and engraving obsidian, until I found the right piece. This was hundreds of years ago... you see, the reward I was given for my service, was immortality.

NPC:I was convinced that my Sacred Relic possesses other powers, but I never managed to reveal its secrets. The only thing I knew for certain, is that I stopped aging.

NPC:So using this blessing, I started looking for the brightest minds on Haranya and offered them a good life in exchange for their willingness to learn. That is how I met Calleil and how he came to be my disciple.

NPC:He was the smartest person I had ever met and was able to think in unconventional ways, so I decided to let him study my Sacred Relic. He was glad to take on the challenge and went through extraordinary length to get to the truth.

NPC:The fact that he eventually ran off with it, must mean that he either figured out how to seize the immortality it grants for himself, or perhaps he even found the truth about its powers. Not long after he left, I started to age again.

NPC:And well... this is why you're now looking at this old mess. Hopefully with the relic returned, I am once again granted the blessings of immortality, but only time will show.


Report to NPC
