Quests> Seeking Advise

ID: 9451
Hereafter Rebellion
Seeking Advise
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "An Impatient Messenger"


You:I'm here to support Crown Prince Isan with whatever help he needs. Please listen to his plea.

NPC:Very well, what is it you want my advise for?

NPC:/positive Lord Asaji is causing nothing but trouble in East Ishvara and an innocent village is plagued by a curse. What do I do to help our people?

NPC:Who is Lord Asaji and why is the king not taking these matters into his own hands?

NPC:/gloomy With my father, the king, mourning my sudden disappearance, Lord Asaji ruled Veroe as regent and gained immense power.

NPC:And all attempts to expose and overthrow him have failed, I assume? And what about that village?

NPC:/dialogue It's a village in the western parts of Hasla, mostly inhabited by Harani that contracted a horrible curse. It turns people mad and there seems to be no cure for it, in all of Hasla.

NPC:In all of Hasla you say? Have you ever bothered reaching out to healers of other regions?

NPC:/beg I'm awfully sorry to interrupt, but have you considered visiting Perinoor Ruins? The grounds in this odd region grow unique plants that are popular among Herbalists.

NPC:A great idea. But first things first, we shall pay a visit to your father, Crown Prince. I'm curious what he has to say about all this.

NPC:I will be on my way in an instant, I suggest you start making your way over there soon. The hills of Hasla can be time consuming to travel.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to King Jian at the Pavilion of the King in Hasla.


NPC:/dialogue Isan, what is the meaning of this?

NPC:/dialogue What kind of trouble are you getting yourself into this time? And you are rudely interrupting your sisters' practise.

NPC:/positive King Jian, your son has come to seek my advise on a few matters concerning your kingdom. I suggested we continue the conversation with you included.

NPC:/bow General Rujin?! I am honored to meet you, I am Princess Surya. I strive to be a valiant swordsman as yourself.

NPC:/clap You wield your blade very nimbly, I see great protential in your movement. You must be most pleased with your daughters, King Jian. They are beautiful and talented.

NPC:/scratch General Rujin, your compliments are too kind. The same can't be said about my son Isan, I'm afraid. I apologize that he has been troubling you.

NPC:/foldedarms Your son might not be the best fighter or musician, but his potential to rule might be much larger than you give him credit for.

NPC:/sigh Father, you never take me serious when I ask your advise. I do wish to become a fair and just ruler and rid our kingdom of all it's trouble.

NPC:/dialogue You want to be the ruler of Veroe? Then how are you going to get rid of Asaji?

NPC:/surprise Even father has failed to remove him from his post, and he's the king.

NPC:/back The people of Hasla don't know how mischievous Asaji is, but they consider him their king now.

NPC:/blush Yes they do, because he was the person that was there, when our family took a leave of absence to mourn you, Isan.

NPC:/fury Perhaps it's true that our family can't remove Asaji from his post, but I will do so many good deeds for the people of Hasla that when he dies, they will want me to be the next person on the throne.

NPC:/frustrated After all, I am the heir to the throne and when the time comes, the people will support my claim.


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