Quests> The Memory of Mikael Ynga

ID: 9436
Hereafter Rebellion
The Memory of Mikael Ynga
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Vision of the Past"


NPC:I thought I heard something just now, but maybe I was just imagining it.

NPC:/dialogue Let's head back to Alana, @PC_NAME(0). I don't think I will learn anything new here...


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Hydel near the Mysterious Machine in Aubre Cradle.


NPC:/up Hey, who are you? Are you one of those filthy Astras?!

NPC:/surprise Astras have wings, you idiot! And don't be so rude! That's my friend Alana.

NPC:/dialogue Mikaella, I didn't mean to pry on you, but I used my magical bond to the ring to find you. I forgot to tell you something rather important when using the ring.

NPC:/dialogue I know your instincts will tell you to focus on your father in order to find the vision you seek, but you must do the exact opposite.

NPC:/surprise You mean, I need to... NOT want to see my father, to see him?

NPC:No that's not it. You must open your mind to whatever vision wants to come to you and observe your environment closely.

NPC:/shh Otherwise you will only see the parts that you focused in your mind.

NPC:/thank Ok, I will try it one more time. @PC_NAME(0), can you go with me? If it works this time... maybe I'll faint or something, if I actually see my father.


Talk to NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Mikaella Ynga near the Mysterious Machine in Aubre Cradle.


NPC:/surprise @PC_NAME(0), I think it worked, but I don't see my father... it's the Gray Hermit. He was there when those kids were mean to me?!

NPC:/cough Pafijerk, Jerkfipa and Fijerkpa picking on Ynga's little girl again.

NPC:/shout Pafijerk? Wait is he jumbling together Pabien, Finn and Jerek's names?

NPC:/nope I guess I shouldn't be surprised, people always say he is a madman. But I like him, he is always kind to me.

NPC:/nope One day she will find the letter or one day the letter will find her. It will explain it all.

NPC:/fury I will find the letter? Wait, my father's letter from the archives in Andelph? How does he know about that?!

NPC:/cough Ynga loves her and tries to come home to her. He always talks about her and his wife.

NPC:I... I don't understand! He just talked in present tense. He said my father is always talking about my mother and me.

NPC:/fury Is he saying that because he is mad or because my father is still alive?!

NPC:/point And if my father is still alive, why didn't he tell me? I asked the Hermit about him so many times!

NPC:/fury The Hermit always told me stories about how smart my father was and that he even had some of his schematics, but he never mentioned he's alive.

NPC:/gloomy I need to go and talk to the Gray Hermit and find out what he meant with that and how he knew about my father's letter!

NPC:/nope I've seen enough, I need to rest. I'll go home now... my home is here, Marianople, no Airain Rock. Wait, where?

NPC:What is he talking about? Here, Marianople or Airain Rock? He has three homes?


Report to the Object