Quests> Forming an Alliance

ID: 9394
Hereafter Rebellion
Forming an Alliance

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Welcome to the Hereafter"


NPC:/fury @PC_NAME(0), I did not expect to see you here in the Hereafter. Are you here to find a loved one as well?

NPC:/sigh Marian, I know what brings you and your friends to these parts, but now is not an appropriate time for you to go out and look for someone lost to the Goddess.

NPC:/request But we can help, Alana. We can fight some of those baddies and if we find who we're looking for in the process, it's a win for all of us, right?

NPC:/scratch I don't know about fighting... I'm just here to talk to my ancestor to be quite honest.

NPC:/dialogue Look around Mr. Prince... does it look like we'll be able to get anywhere without fighting? I say we give these brainless minions a nice beating while we're out there. Might as well, right?

NPC:/frustrated That sounds nice and all, but who's going to lead you stubborn lot? Not me, I'm telling you! That's not what I signed up for when I guided you here.


Interact with the Object to accept quest


NPC:/sigh If you really mean it Marian, and you truly intend on helping us fight Kyrios army, then I can be persuaded to let you pass perhaps.

NPC:I know you to be a capable fighter, but with all due respect, I don't know any of your companions. The last thing our forces need right now, are civilians creating problems and requiring help on the battle field.

NPC:/dialogue Is there any proof you have, that these fighters you bring are going to add value to our fight?

NPC:/excuse Proof? Have you ever attended my family's tournament? The Noryette Challenge?

NPC:I don't get to leave this post very often these days, so I'm afraid I have not attended your family's event. How is that at all relevant to this?

NPC:/surprise Well if you did, you would know that my companions are all worthy fighters. I consider them even stronger than myself, isn't that true @PC_NAME(0)?

NPC:@PC_NAME(0), you know all of these people? Your reputation has travelled far beyond the world of the living and I know many stories of your exploits.

NPC:/dialogue If you can vouch for all of them and agree to be the one leading them onto the battle field, then you have my blessings to move out.




NPC:/thank What do you say, @PC_NAME(0)? I know you don't owe us anything, but this is really important to each of us. Can we count on you?

NPC:/prayer If you agree, I'd be glad to follow your lead, @PC_NAME(0). And so would many others...

NPC:/salute Of course you're going to say yes to it, @PC_NAME(0), right? You basically have no choice at this point, hehe...

NPC:/lookaround Yes! We count on you, @PC_NAME(0) and we will follow your orders!

NPC:/scratch Well, if you could lead us to my ancestor, that'd be great. Royal order, or something.

NPC:/dialogue My cleaver is ready to chop off some heads! Give the order and we'll get the job done, @PC_NAME(0).


Report to the Object