Quests> Staying Strong

ID: 9172
The Fall of Hiram City
Staying Strong

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

No "At Death's Door" quest completed

No "Hanging by a Thread" quest completed

No "A Glimmer of Hope" quest completed

No "Divided Feelings" quest completed

No "New Challenges" quest completed

Not completed the quest "At Death's Door"

Not completed the quest "Hanging by a Thread"

Not completed the quest "A Glimmer of Hope"

Not completed the quest "Divided Feelings"

Not completed the quest "New Challenges"


NPC:/haha I can hardly believe my eyes! The Gods truly saved us by sending you to help us Chosen One. The cave is filled with our people and the Hiram will survive!

NPC:/sigh I must admit, I was angry with the Gods and blamed them for our suffering.

NPC:/dialogue When this evil came and took over our land, it felt as if they had forsaken us! But now, here we are with all these people and supplies, in the saftey of the cave.

NPC:/dialogue The scouts are on their way back, High Priest. We should go inside and prepare to seal the entrance.

NPC:/dialogue Very well. Shall we, Chosen One?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Hiram Priest or Hiram Priest in the Hiram Cave.


NPC:/dialogue Look around you children. Didn't I tell you the Gods watch over us and would protect us?

NPC:Here, we will be safe and can start our new lifes. The hunters brought plenty of supplies and soon enough, we will feel like home again.

NPC:/yawn What's that smell? Is it stew? I'm sooo hungry!

NPC:/haha Perhaps we should grab a bite then. Go on.
