Quests> Guardian of Sungold Fields

ID: 9019
Western Hiram Mountains
Guardian of Sungold Fields

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

No quest "Raiders of Reedwind" in progress

No quest "Raiders of Sungold Fields" in progress

No quest "Raiders of Exeloch" in progress

Not completed the quest "Raiders of Reedwind"

Not completed the quest "Raiders of Sungold Fields"

Not completed the quest "Raiders of Exeloch"

No "Raiders of Reedwind" quest completed

No "Raiders of Sungold Fields" quest completed

No "Raiders of Exeloch" quest completed


NPC:/waving Greetings. Have you come to face the Abyssal Legion?

NPC:Their presence has incensed the creatures of Sungold Fields. I fear that unless we act quickly, they will overrun the region. /worry

NPC:/request I know that many of your kind seek the ancient Hiram weapons and armor. If you help us to pacify the dangerous creatures in this place, I will grant you a secret Hiram magic in exchange. What say you?


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Kill enemies in Sungold Fields.


Stage summary:

Report to the Hiram Herald to claim your reward.


NPC:/gratitude Well done, warrior. The legion's influence is diminished, for now.

NPC:Take these Awakening Scrolls. You can use them to raise Hiram Guardian equipment to new heights, unlocking even greater power.

NPC:/gratitude If you return to help me again, I will have more rewards waiting for you.

