Quests> The Wetlands

ID: 9000284
Chapter 104: Necronomicon
17. The Wetlands
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Wonders of Technology"


NPC:What lullaby? I've no idea what that is. Is that a Nuian bedtime story of some kind?

NPC:A-A-Austera? Where did you... No, no one went to Austera whatsoever. Not two months ago, not half a year ago, not ten years ago.

NPC:You know what? Get out. People really don't like when some strangers try to sniff around their personal lives.

NPC:Are you with that grumpy guy from earlier? Then leave and talk to him instead. Don't come back.


Accept quest from NPC


NPC:Greetings, traveler. You're wasting your time wandering around the swamps. It's not safe here. Well, it never was, but it's particularly unsafe these days.

NPC:You're here for a good reason, you say? Are you looking for a murderer as well, perhaps? Personal motive, too? An enemy of my enemy is my friend, as they say.

NPC:Nice to meet you, @PC_NAME(0). I'm Noa, Marianople's finest detective. I heard a lot about you.

NPC:Anarchi's been a pain in our backside for a long while. However, due to issues in Halcyona and a number of other places we can't really afford to investigate it in detail.

NPC:Then, about one or two months ago, a lot of carriages, caravans and regular travelers started to go missing. The number kept increasing every week. And it was mostly children going missing permanently.

NPC:The rumors started to spread. The locals have decided that it must be a serial killer of some kind and gave him a name of the "Swamp Butcher".

NPC:The higher-ups in Marianople decided to send me here because a regular patrol never seems to find anything whatsoever.

NPC:It's a very strange place. The locals are scared, they're constantly talking about some "sisters" and being quiet, random blood splatters inside houses, someone new is hanged basically daily. The mayor and the chairman are the most suspicious of them all.

NPC:Their eyes constantly dart back to their houses, then to the crates next to them, and then they pretend as if they have nothing to do with it whatsoever and that they have no idea what's going on.

NPC:I don't have anything else worth sharing, unfortunately. So far I'm just observing the place, trying to see if they slip up somewhere. It's your turn now, what did you learn?


NPC:Eternal Sleep Lullaby, then. And the chairman has to know something about it given his reaction to your words.

NPC:We need to learn more about him. I'll head back to the capital immediately and look into the archives, see if our chairman comes up somewhere.

NPC:In the meanwhile, you do your best to find out what're they up to. Meet me here in 3 days and we'll go over our findings.


Talk to NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Search the mayor's house


Visit specific place

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Spy on the Chairman



Stage map markers:


You:These footsteps must belong to the Chairman, no doubts about it. These footsteps are huge... but the footsteps end abruptly. Where did he go?


Report to the Object