Quests> Family Sport Fishing

ID: 8334
All in the Family
Family Sport Fishing

Quest level: 1




Accept quest from UI
Accept quest from UI

Stage summary:

Find a Freshwater School of Fish and go Sport Fishing with your family.

Nuia Freshwater Sport Fishing Locations
- Two Crowns
- Karkasse Ridgelands
- Solzreed Peninsula
- Gweonid Forest

Haranya Freshwater Sport Fishing Locations
- Silent Forest
- Windscour Savannah
- Arcum Iris
- Falcorth Plains
- Rokhala Mountains

Look for circling birds to find Freshwater Schools of Fish. Use Chum on the Schools to bring the fish to the surface.

Ensure you have the proper Lure to match your Fishing Rod, equip your Fishing Rod, and use the Sport Fishing option to attempt to catch the fish.

When you are close to a family member attempting to Sport Fish, you will gain the "Family Cheering Squad" buff. This allows you to match their actions during fishing, greatly increasing their effectiveness.

Fish caught during Sport Fishing can be sold to Fish Stands near each Fish School location.

It is recommended that you have at least 2 family members present when attempting this quest.

This quest may not be completed in Mirage Isle or Ahnimar.



Vocation Badges
1200 vocation badges
Family EXP
100 family exp points