Quests> To Redempton

ID: 8136
Chapter 4: Warborn Main
4. To Redempton
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 18

Basic requirements:

Race Warborn

Level 14 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A Thorny Test"

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction


NPC:/dialogue As you know, a lot of Warborn trust their stabilizers and believe every lie the Harani feed them. They consider the Freestorm dangerous rebels.

NPC:/contend The city of Redempton is run by those loyalist scum: the Elders. They're obsessed with "redeeming" themselves for what happened at Ezna. They barely worship the Mother anymore--just atonement.

NPC:/quarrel If they can prove someone is a Freestorm, they forcibly reinstall their stabilizer. If the Freestorm refuses to bend to Harani will, refuses to spend their life atoning, they are killed.

NPC:/contend They've been monitoring you. The Elders heard about a Warborn with a damaged stabilizer who'd been wandering around trying to get it repaired. They know most of our recruits have a similar story.

NPC:/dialogue We can't let you join the Freestorm under any suspicion. You could compromise all of us. You need to go to Redempton and pretend to prove your loyalty. Then, your Freestorm trials can continue.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage requirements:

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Elder Pacifica in the city of Redempton.


NPC:/dialogue I have to say, I'm surprised to see you here. You were getting a reputation as a troublemaker. But now you're asking about the Ritual of Atonement. I'm glad.


Report to NPC


14000 exp