Quests> Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

ID: 8126
Chapter 3: Warborn Main
6. Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 12

Basic requirements:

Race Warborn

Level 8 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A Hope Fulfilled"

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction


NPC:/sad I'm sorry; I've wanted a new dream for so long... you really had me going there. I almost believed you.

NPC:/quarrel And the content of your dream... I can't even imagine seeing our precious Mother's face. No matter what she said about us. Just to see her...

NPC:/contend Ah, well. If wishes were fishes, we'd never be hungry! I think I have a lead on a mechanic that can help you repair your stabilizer. But there's a problem.

NPC:/dialogue He's very expensive. I know some Harani engineers used to help us pro bono, but it's fallen out of style. They gave us our stabilizers for free; it's our responsibility to maintain them.

NPC:/quarrel But Warborn stick together! Always we will rise! If you do some of my chores, I'll give you some of my wages. Then I can rest, you can repair, and we can both be happy knowing you're not about to turn into a blood-thirsty monster. Deal?

NPC:/quarrel Foolish @PC_NAME(0)! As if you will ever be anything but a blood-thirsty monster! You think you can make up for your actions in Ezna by harvesting some flowers?

You:What? Do you see that? Does anyone else see that?

NPC:/confused See what? Are you all right? Your stabilizer must be affecting you more than we thought...

You:I'm fine. I'm sorry. I... I thought I saw someone in the cave. A... a man.

NPC:/quarrel I told you, this is a safe place. No humans. Are you sure you can work? Just do what you feel up to doing, all right? If all you can handle is watering flowers and pulling weeds, that's fine. If you're up for a challenge...

NPC:/contend Runoff from the Junkyard has tainted the sarracenias. Their nectar has driven the honeybees and foxes mad. They're interfering with our work, and sadly, should all be put down.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Water Parched Flower Seedlings, pull Weeds, and kill Tainted Sarracenias, Mindless Honeybees, Moonsand Foxes, and Flamesand Foxes in the Flower Farm.


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Water Parched Flower Seedlings, pull Weeds, and kill Tainted Sarracenias, Mindless Honeybees, Moonsand Foxes and Flamesand Foxes in the Flower Farm.


Hunt monster

Stage summary:

Water Parched Flower Seedlings, pull Weeds, and kill Tainted Sarracenias, Mindless Honeybees, Moonsand Foxes and Flamesand Foxes in the Flower Farm.


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Water Parched Flower Seedlings, pull Weeds, and kill Tainted Sarracenias, Mindless Honeybees, Moonsand Foxes and Flamesand Foxes in the Flower Farm.



Stage summary:

Water Parched Flower Seedlings, pull Weeds, and kill Tainted Sarracenias, Mindless Honeybees, Moonsand Foxes and Flamesand Foxes in the Flower Farm.



Stage requirements:

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Return to Industrious Horn at the cliffs near the Flower Farm.


NPC:/dialogue Excellent! Here's your share of my wages.


Report to NPC


6500 exp