Quests> Heir to Greatness

ID: 7859
Heir to Greatness
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 55



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "In the Footsteps of Gods and Heroes"


NPC:/dialogue As you know, each school of combat is derived from the powers of one of the twelve heroes of old. You have learned much of their ways, but there is still more to master.

NPC:/talk You must continue your training in order to unlock the most powerful techniques of each school. Only then will you truly understand the twelve.


Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC
Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Level all Skillsets to 55.

|nb;Includes: Battlerage, Witchcraft, Defense, Auramancy, Occultism, Archery, Sorcery, Shadowplay, Songcraft, Vitalism, Malediction, Swiftblade, Gunslinger, Spelldance|r


Achieve skilltree level
Basic skilltree 55 level

Stage summary:

Talk to a Skill Manager.

|nb;Talk to a Skill Manager in Marianople, Caernord, City of Towers, Crescent Throne, Lutesong Harbor, Austera, Seachild Wharf, Golden Fable Harbor, Veroe, or Growlgate Isle|r


NPC:/dialogue You have mastered each school of combat, learning to think and move and fight just like the famous heroes of old. This is no small feat, ArcheMaster.

NPC:/talk In troubled times such as these, it is important to remember the lessons they have taught us. Please, take this painting as a symbol of your achievement. May all who see it know you to be a student of the twelve.