Quests> Intro to Artistry

ID: 6664
Blue Salt Brotherhood
Intro to Artistry
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 20



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Choosing a Path"

50 Artistry points


NPC:/hehe Not all craftsmen need dig in the dirt. Take up artistry, and fill the world with music and beauty!

NPC:/excuse Artistry is a difficult path, but a rewarding one. Nothing beats the pride of playing an instrument you carved yourself, or auctioning off an original composition to the highest bidder.

NPC:/conclude But before the fame and glory, you must learn the basics! Your first task will be to gather the materials for making Music Paper.

NPC:/fact You'll need |nb;Paper|r, |nb;Dawn Lake Light Essence|r, and |nb;Memory Ink|r to craft a sheet of music paper. It may take some time and traveling before you get the hang of it, but hey--No one said art would be easy!



Stage summary:

Collect Paper, Dawn's Lake Essence, and Memory Ink.
Paper is made with |nb;Lumber|r at a |nb;Paper Press|r, which can be found in major cities.

Dawn Lake Light Essence is made from various |nb;Fish|r like Minnows and Salmon, which must be prepared using |nb;Blue Salt Knives|r from a General Merchant.
Memory Ink can be bought from a General Merchant.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Collect Paper, Dawn's Lake Essence, and Memory Ink.
Paper is made with |nb;Lumber|r at a |nb;Paper Press|r, which can be found in major cities.

Dawn Lake Light Essence is made from various |nb;Fish|r like Minnows and Salmon, which must be prepared using |nb;Blue Salt Knives|r from a General Merchant.
Memory Ink can be bought from a General Merchant.



Stage summary:

Collect Paper, Dawn's Lake Essence, and Memory Ink.
Paper is made with |nb;Lumber|r at a |nb;Paper Press|r, which can be found in major cities.

Dawn Lake Light Essence is made from various |nb;Fish|r like Minnows and Salmon, which must be prepared using |nb;Blue Salt Knives|r from a General Merchant.
Memory Ink can be bought from a General Merchant.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Deliver the Artistry materials to Artist Mendelsson in Windshade in Lilyut Hills.


NPC:Good, you've got all the materials! Are you ready to make some Music Paper?