Quests> Whole Grain Soup Ingredients

ID: 6421
Blue Salt Brotherhood
Whole Grain Soup Ingredients
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 25



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Choosing a Path"


NPC:/excuse Welcome to the Blue Salt Brotherhood in Windshade! I see you ogling my fresh ingredients. Are you interested in the culinary arts, then?

NPC:/dialogue Well if you've come for lessons, you're in the right place! I was just about to make some Whole Grain Soup. Would you like to help me?

NPC:/fact The first thing I need is Ground Grain. To get it, just harvest grain-producing plants like Wheat, Barley, or Rice, then prepare them with a Blue Salt Knife from a General Merchant.

NPC:/excuse Once you have the Ground Grain, bring me some fresh Barley and a few cups of Savory Soup from a Cooking Merchant. Then we can make something extra delicious!


Stage summary:

Collect Savory Soup, Barley, and Ground Grain.

Savory Soup can be purchased from Cooking Merchants. Barley can be grown or purchased from the Auction House. Ground Grain is processed from grain-producing crops by using a Blue Salt Knife.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Collect Savory Soup, Barley, and Ground Grain.

Savory Soup can be purchased from Cooking Merchants. Barley can be grown or purchased from the Auction House. Ground Grain is processed from grain-producing crops by using a Blue Salt Knife.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Collect Savory Soup, Barley, and Ground Grain.

Savory Soup can be purchased from Cooking Merchants. Barley can be grown or purchased from the Auction House. Ground Grain is processed from grain-producing crops by using a Blue Salt Knife.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Deliver the ingredients to Cooking Researcher Danan in Windshade.


NPC:/clap Good, good! These ingredients will do nicely.