Quests> Astra Attacks

ID: 5794
Chapter 5: Dwarf Main
2. Astra Attacks
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 24

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf

Level 20 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Cask Carry"

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction


You:/dialogue Excuse me, are you the chief? What's this I hear about Astras trying to cause an avalanche?

NPC:/worry Damn right! The feathered fiends have been sending great gobs of snow and rock down on me and my lads. It's an act of war, I tell you!

You:/talk I've dealt with the Astras before. I can probably handle this. But I'll need you to do me a favor in exchange.

NPC:/angry Wait... you're @PC_NAME(0), aren't you? I heard about your work with the Icefang Orcs. Alright, I'm listening. What's this favor of yours?

You:/agree There is a Postmaster somewhere in your village. If I go risk my life taking down the Astras for you, I need you to make sure that Postmaster is still here when I get back. Can you do that for me?

NPC:/happy If it means you'll take down those Astras, friend, I'll chain him to the gods-damned building if I have to!

NPC:/point The Astras have been using explosives to trigger the avalanches. You can either disarm their bombs, or kill the Astras outright. Either way, the Postmaster will be here when you return. You have my word on it!


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Kill the Hidden Wing Astras on Bronze Peak, or disarm their bombs.


Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Kill the Hidden Wing Astras on Bronze Peak, or disarm their bombs.


Interact with the Object

Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Chief Hobbs at the Millennium Snow Village.


NPC:/gratitude @PC_NAME(0), you are the hero of our village! Who would have ever suspected the Astras of trying something that insane... we never could've stopped them without your help.

You:/question Why ARE the Astras so hell-bent on killing us, anyway?

NPC:/laugh Haha! You must not be from around here, friend. The Astras and the Dwarves have been enemies for generations.


Report to NPC


10000 exp