Quests> The Final Ingredients

ID: 5728
Untold Legends
The Final Ingredients
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 50



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Hero's Path"


NPC:/fact This is it. The final step in completing the Ring of Dreams.

NPC:/conclude First, you'll need to obtain an Illustrious Earth Ring. Combine that with the Augmented Dream Ring and this Delphinad Magic Crystal to make a Delphinad Transcendent Stone. That will act as the final ring's gemstone.

NPC:/excuse Once you have the Transcendent Stone, you'll need 100 Crystallized Shadows and 100 samples of Sirothe's True Blood to complete the ring.

NPC:/talk You can find Sirothe's True Blood samples in the halls of Serpentis, and Crystallized Shadows in the watery depths of the Sea of Drowned Love.

NPC:/prayer The journey won't be easy, and collecting the ingredients will take time... But it is the sacrifice you'll have to make if you want to wield the Ring of Dreams.


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Quest items

Stage summary:

Collect Crystallized Shadows, Sirothe's True Blood, and a Delphinad Transcendent Stone.

More Sirothe's True Blood can be obtained from [Arcane] dungeons.



Stage summary:

Collect Crystallized Shadows, Sirothe's True Blood, and a Delphinad Transcendent Stone.

More Sirothe's True Blood can be obtained from [Arcane] dungeons.



Stage summary:

Collect Crystallized Shadows, Sirothe's True Blood, and a Delphinad Transcendent Stone.

More Sirothe's True Blood can be obtained from [Arcane] dungeons.



Stage summary:

Return to Wanderer Arde in Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/clap I almost can't believe it. You did it! You forged the Stone of Transcendence!

NPC:/talk Alexander himself would be proud to have one such as you wear his masterpiece. It is obvious you deserve his ring.

NPC:/excuse I had nearly given up on this world, before you came along. But now... Now I think there may be hope.

NPC:/command May you use the power of the ring to lead the people of Erenor to a brighter future.


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