Quests> Farmer's Calendar: Special Seed

ID: 4659
Blue Salt Brotherhood
Farmer's Calendar: Special Seed
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 25



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Farmer's Calendar: Rye and Yams"


NPC:/conclude Alright, you've proven you know your way around a field. Ready to try something a little more challenging?

NPC:/fact To fill my next order, I need Royal Seeds. They're quite rare, so they sell for some hefty coin if you know how to move 'em.

NPC:/excuse Only a small number of |nb;Bean|r and |nb;Chili Pepper|r plants can produce these rare ingredients, so you'll probably have to plant and harvest a lot of each one before you get any Royal Seeds.

NPC:/fact It won't be easy, but I promise the payoff is worth it. All sorts of professions require these rare crops to make their most expensive products. If you learn how to grow them, you can sell your wares to the highest bidder.



Stage summary:

Collect Royal Seeds. You have a chance to harvest them from various crops, but you can also acquire them through other means, such as trading.


Collect item

Stage summary:

Return to Farmer Gruban in Anvilton when finished.


NPC:/clap You did it! Well done. Your ability to harvest these rare crops will only increase as you continue to farm. By using what I've taught you, you can become a vital part of the continent's trade network. Why, one day I might even call you boss!

