Quests> The Giant's Canyon

ID: 3565
Chapter 2: Dwarf Main
9. The Giant's Canyon
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 15

Basic requirements:

Race Dwarf

Level 11 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Fractured Memories"


NPC:Hmmm... Yes, the stone remembers. I once stood proud in the Giant's Canyon, before your brothers took me.

You:/question The Giant's Canyon? What is that?

NPC:It is the home of my kind, where we bathe in the blessed waters. The one you seek would go there often.

NPC:The Dwarf left his words with the Mistkeeper. Oldest of us all. Sad words they were, set in stone. And the Mistkeeper agreed to guard them.

You:Thank you! But where is the canyon? And who is the Mistkeeper?


You:Damn, he's faded back to stone. I'll just have to ask around for directions, I suppose.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Guard Halphy at the Golem Laboratory.


NPC:/wave You were gone for a while, eh? Did you find what you were looking for?

You:I think so. Can you tell me how to get to the Giant's Canyon? I need to speak to one of the Colossi there.

NPC:/agree Shoot! I know it's west along the Iron Road, but I'm not sure after that. Maybe you should stop by Engineer Ronare's camp along the way? He's a good sort, for an Elf. He'll give you better directions than I can.


Talk to NPC

Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Engineer Ronare at the camp located on the way to Giant's Canyon.


NPC:/wave Greetings! We don't get many new faces passing this way, now that the Golem Laboratory is shut down. What can I do for you?

You:/dialogue Can you tell me how to get to the Giant's Canyon? I'm looking for a Colossus named Mistkeeper.


Report to NPC