Quests> The Windwhips

ID: 3466
Chapter 5: Firran Main
3. The Windwhips
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 20

Can be repeated on fail

Basic requirements:

Race Ferre



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Task Board Truth"

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction


NPC:/scratch Please; we meant no harm. They only wanted to subdue you long enough to--you shouldn't be hearing this from me. Just go speak to Windwhip Kerkumin, behind the blacksmith's. I promise; no more games.

NPC:/prayer And as a member of the Windwhips, I offer you my apologies. We have behaved disrespectfully. With the greatest intentions, but nevertheless. /please


Accept quest from NPC

Stage requirements:

Member of "Haranya Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Talk to Windwhip Kerkumin at Traveler's Spring.


NPC:/sigh Four of my best men. Dead. I tried to tell them to talk to you, to avoid force--but you must have been a frightening sight. I know it will be difficult to understand, but please: we are not your enemies, but your allies.

You:/fact I know what you're after. But I can't give it to you. I'm taking it to a Firran in Austera who's done nothing but help me. But you--you Windwhips have hampered me and attacked me at every turn.

NPC:/fact I know it must seem that way. But the Souleye is the most precious and powerful treasure of our race. Though the Firran were born here, we came to glory on Auroria. We must return. And the Souleye may be the key.


Report to NPC


28000 exp