Quests> A Hidden Threat

ID: 2565
Patch Change
A Hidden Threat

Quest level: 21

Basic requirements:

Level 17 - unlimited




NPC:/worry On a mission for Commander Jaira, eh? Good. That means she must trust you... and I need someone I can trust right now.

NPC:/talk We came here hunting the necromancer, but walked right into one of his traps. We were attacked in the mist, and I could swear I saw one of my men go down... but when we regrouped, everyone was accounted for.

NPC:/handover If one of them has been replaced by a Doppelganger, we dare not return to camp until we find it. I need you to take this Mirror of Truth, look at each person's reflection, and kill the creature when it reveals itself.

Quest items



Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Use the Mirror of Truth on each Arden Guard until you find the Doppelganger.



Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Return to Squad Leader Goltri when finished.


NPC:/fact. Thank you. As a recruit, I heard stories of whole squads slaughtering each other in the night, all because of a Doppelganger in their midst. Fear can do strange things to a man... especially in a place like this.

NPC:/gratitude It is good to know that we can trust each other again. Goddess guide you, friend.


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