Quests> Looking Faintly In the Mirror

ID: 2076
Looking Faintly In the Mirror

Quest level: 6

Basic requirements:

Level 3 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "{name}"


NPC:Anyway, the name Head Researcher Falluhan wasn't in the administrative records of Andelph. /conclude

NPC:The most people work at the outside quarry near Mine Road. Why don't we look for Shatigon's Travel Journal there?

You:I see. /agree I'll go there and look for Shatigon's Travel Journal.
Head Researcher Falluhan may be able to remember his real name in there.

NPC:If you tell him I sent you, the person in charge, Broken Mining Drill, will look through the list. /contend


Stage summary:

Go to Outdoor Mine, retrieve the name list of workers in Andelph, and return to Falluhan.


You:An incredible number of people work at the quarry. Head Researcher Falluhan should be able to find his real name there.

NPC:Hm... I understand the situation, but I don't remember anything about Head Researcher Falluhan. /nope

NPC:I've been so forgetful lately that I wouldn't be able to remember my own colleagues if I didn't see them daily. /sigh

NPC:I feel like there's a veil of fog inside my brain and everything's blurry.



Stage requirements:

Member of "Nuia Alliance" faction

Stage summary:

Tell Falluhan at Andelph West Gate what has happened.


You:Head Researcher Falluhan, your name is not in the missing person's list. Chances are, that the name you remember, isn't actually your real name, Mirkell. /dialogue

You:/book Do you maybe remember something if you look at this Shatigon's Travel Journal? /question That's the one place in Andelph where the most people work.

NPC:/book I don't remember anything. /refuse I didn't even ask for your help and you're still so kind to give it. I'm very grateful. It seems almost impossible to retrieve my memory. /scratch

You:Is there maybe anything you can vaguely remember? /question

NPC:Hm... I think I remember faces and reindeers... and a train station. Right! /nod I'll try to take the train in Andelph and go to the next train station. /gratitude Thank you so much!
