Quests> You Lost It?!

ID: 11008
7. You Lost It?!
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:




Stage requirements:

No "A Deadly Meeting" quest completed

Don’t have the item "Sebath's Letter"

Completed the quest "A Good Reputation"

Not completed the quest "A Deadly Meeting"

No quest "A Deadly Meeting" in progress

Not completed the quest "A Deadly Meeting"

Stage summary:

Talk to Kebur at the Crimson Watch in Reedwind.


NPC:/dialogue Huh? What's the matters?

NPC:/decline Whaaat? You lost it? How could you! You isn't expectings me to help you now, is you? My job was done when you opened the box!

NPC:/check Well, I was indeed next to you when you was openings the box, that is trues, but...what is you wantings me to do?

NPC:/check And yes, I saw there was a letter insides the box! Just stops beatings about the bush and leaves me alone! I needs to do my box investigation!


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Kebur at the Crimson Watch in Reedwind.


NPC:/decline You is stubborn! Alright, I will helps you this once since you brought me quite a lot of Ingotses. You must has heard the rumor that I is the best at finding lost items.

NPC:/dialogue I will uses our ability to finds out even the most deeply-hiddens things from the warehouse. Hmm, just waits and sees!



Stage summary:

Talk to Kebur at the Crimson Watch in Reedwind.


NPC:/waving Done! This wouldn't has been possible had I not touched that letter at all. Be grateful!

NPC:/decline You can't just leaves like that! I won't lets you loses the letter again. Opens it and reads it in front of me before you leaves.
[Note] You cannot start the "A Deadly Meeting" quest if the Sebath's Letteris destroyed.


Stage summary:

Open the Sebath's Letter. Please be aware that you cannot start the "A Deadly Meeting" quest if the Sebath's Letter is destroyed.
