Quests> Unsettling Person

ID: 10972
5. Unsettling Person
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Wandering Merchant's Problems"


NPC:/dialogue What comes around, goes around! We're not a charity, you know.

NPC:/dialogue Not so long ago, when Weakened Tower was going on, at some point, I noticed that some Harani was standing next to me.

NPC:/dialogue Watching the brutal action in the Weakened Tower, he said, "Isn't this beautiful?"

NPC:/dialogue I looked at him, thinking he was talking to me, but he was just saying that to himself as he watched people die in the fierce battle. The way his eyes glared, he looked ecstatic even.

NPC:/dialogue I figured he was crazy, and stayed still as there was an unsettling gleam in his eyes. Once the Weakened Tower was over, he said he was heading toward the Weigh Station.

NPC:/dialogue As he left, he said something about finding a big fortune at the Exeloch. Even though I like treasure, I didn't even think about looking into it because his voice just sounded so creepy.

NPC:/dialogue All the crowd that was still there because of the Weakened Tower heard him and went away, though. I'm sure they all went to look for the treasure.

NPC:/dialogue Anyway, after saying that, the Harani went to the Weigh Station. That's all I knows. I didn't hide anything from you. If you want to find that Harani, you'd better hurry.


Stage summary:

Look around the Weigh Station.


You:It looks shabby, but I could still go inside. Let's go in.


Visit specific place

Stage summary:

Inspect the inside of the shabby building in the Weigh Station.


You:Looks like there was some sort of a ritual here?


Report to the Object