Quests> Protect the Ghost Ship

ID: 10824
5. Protect the Ghost Ship
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Strength in Numbers"


NPC:/dialogue Good. I'll return to my ghost ship and relay the news.

NPC:/dialogue Also, one of us will be visiting that tavern every now and then to recruit for battle. You could send other pirates there, too, if they're interested.

NPC:I'll be visiting this island myself with other ghost ship mates every once in a while, too.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Pirate Noier on Growlgate Isle.


NPC:/dialogue Hey, @PC_NAME(0)!

NPC:/dialogue You've done so much for us, especially with helping Robiquet. While we don't like the curse part of the ghost ships, we pirates live for epic battles like this, you know.

NPC:/dialogue I really appreciate all that you have done. Just wanted to say that. Hope to see you in battle someday. Hopefully, on the same side. Good luck with your journey!

NPC:/thank Thank you so much for your help! All this wouldn't have been possible without you. May you always prevail in battle!


Report to the Object