Quests> Why Run?

ID: 10809
5. Why Run?
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Where is Lavis?"


NPC:/talk J-just stop. I don't know anything. Why are you following me?

NPC:/decline R-Robiquet?!


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Talk to Pirate Robiquet on Growlgate Isle.


NPC:/goaway You're the one that's acting so strange! What's going on? Are you hiding something? Did you cheat on us?!

NPC:/plea Hey, when did you get... Cheat? No, nothing like that...

NPC:/argue I knew it! You cheated on us! What was it? Share with me!

NPC:/decline It's not like that! Ugh, whatever. Hey, maybe you can help me.

NPC:/conclude What? What are you talking about? Speak up!

NPC:/dialogue I...I think I have been cursed by a ghost ship.

NPC:/talk Curse? Where did that come from?

NPC:/talk It started...on that day. The ghost ship went out of sight after tearing down that commercial vessel, so I thought nothing of it and just slept on a small boat. You guys were getting really rowdy onboard, you know.

NPC:/dialogue Then, sometime before sunrise, the boat shook violently, waking me up. That's when I saw a white-haired old man floating. He was about to drown because of the huge sack on his back.

NPC:/talk At first, I thought he was a ghost. But then he tried to get on my boat. I guess he didn't know I was there because he screamed when I got up.

NPC:/dialogue Then he started to sink, and for some reason, I helped him up. I guess I had an inkling then. His sack looked really heavy, you know.

NPC:/dialogue That's right. I was going to take the sack after helping the old man.

NPC:/argue What? You should have woken me up for a sweet deal like that!

NPC:/dialogue There was no time to do that. When I tried to take the sack, the old man just gave me half of what was in it. He also offered to tell me where he found the treasure if I'd take him to the shore.

NPC:/dialogue Woah, there's more treasure? Do you know where it is?

NPC:/hesitant So, I took him to the shore, and he gave me the location of the treasure. It sure was there. was all cursed. Now, I'm cursed...

NPC:/clap What are you talking about? How is that a curse? Sounds like a huge blessing to me!

NPC:/secret No! Everything's gone wrong ever since I took the treasure! I sold some of it, and all the people that bought it...have died. I can feel it in my body, too. I'm dying.

NPC:/dialogue I'm...going to run away. I'll go into a forest deep in the land where nobody can find me and survive this curse!

NPC:/talk Calm down, Lavis! Calm down! The treasure! Where did you find the treasure?

NPC:/angry You want to know where it is? You might get cursed, too!

NPC:/talk I don't care. Just tell me where the treasure is. If you don't want it, I'm taking it.

NPC:/disagree I see. You don't believe a word I'm saying, right? Sure, whatever. You can take this map, too. It was giving me the creeps, so I was going to throw it away anyway. Suit yourself. I'm leaving.

NPC:/cheer Wow, thanks! This is great!

NPC:/hesitant I warned you about the curse. Don't blame me later.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Pirate Robiquet on Growlgate Isle.


NPC:/dialogue Oh, my. He just hightailed out of here.

NPC:/dialogue By the way, I don't believe in curses. He's just a coward. That treasure is mine! I mean, ours!


Report to the Object