Quests> Tale of Underwater Treasure

ID: 10795
3. Tale of Underwater Treasure
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Sea Shanty"


NPC:/worry I see. This Lubelu fished up some treasure from the ocean, and he thinks it's from a ghost ship. If that's true, we're in big trouble.

NPC:/worry Now that I think about it, I do remember an old tale about a man who came across some treasure from a ghost ship and was forced to join their crew forever.

NPC:/dialogue In case you're not familiar with this tale, the crew of ghost ships are obsessed with their treasure. Perhaps it's a curse for them turning their back on the gods.

NPC:/talk However, I have never heard of the curse affecting people on land. We need to look into this further.

NPC:/worry Maybe some things have changed for the ghost ships that we don't know about yet.

NPC:/talk You said this Lubelu told you all this while he was drunk, right?

NPC:/talk Here, take this. Could you verify his story, please? If he doesn't help you, maybe his son can, since he's seen the treasure, too.

NPC:/talk If what Lubelu said is true, I must alert many factions about this. I'm sorry to be asking you again, but this is important.


Quest items



Stage summary:

Find Lubelu and Reuben at the Coral Plains in Sanddeep.


NPC:/scratch Ugh, my head is spinning. Who are you?


Report to the Object