Quests> D-egg-struction

ID: 10668
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
23. D-egg-struction
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Onward"


NPC:/talk If I may, I'd like to suggest we handle our business here at the Verdant Vault and then head to the Cragtear Scars as a group. The followers of the Akasch managed to capture Brooks, Tukko and Wrex without much effort, I worry Louisa and Nami might be their next victims if we let them go by themselves.

NPC:/worry There is strength in numbers, but time's ticking and the Akasch won't wait for us to finish our preparations before attacking. What is that business you have to handle here? If we all help, maybe we can get it done fast and travel as a full group afterwards.

NPC:/talk The Verdant Vault, as you may know, was built by the Ipnya in the likeness of the Garden of the Gods. A carefully preserved paradise and as it turns out, the perfect habitat for a serpent hatchery.

NPC:/worry A serpent hatchery? For what? More Akasch followers?

NPC:/fact Not just followers of the Akasch. If my assumptions are correct, then the Akasch have transformed the Vault into ideal conditions to hatch their own kind. Real Akasch, born right here, in the Ipnya Ridge.

NPC:/conclude You can't be serious… an Akasch hatchery?!

NPC:/talk If that is true, then not only do we have to worry about the Akasch forces from the Abyss, but they might have already placed their warriors into our world, waiting in hiding to attack.

NPC:/fact As I mentioned, it is only an assumption of mine. But we are here to bring an end to the hatchery and not let fate decide whether these eggs will birth mere followers or real Akasch into the world.

NPC:/talk From what I've seen inside the Vault, if all of us take care of approximately 10 Serpent Eggs, we should be able to erradicate most, if not all of them.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Break 10 Serpent Eggs in the Verdant Vault.


Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Talk to Damian at the Verdant Vault.


NPC:/talk Well done, that should be one less thing for us to be worried about, in the coming fight against the Akasch.

NPC:/talk You are right. Whether these were eggs of followers of the Akasch or actual Akasch, getting rid of them helps us and hopefully put a damper on their strength.

NPC:/talk Yeah that went nice and fast. Are we ready to head over to the Scars now? I'd feel a lot better, if we managed to restore that Risopoda and have it wait on standby.


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