Quests> Two-Legged Snowlion

ID: 10658
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
13. Two-Legged Snowlion
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Friend or Foe"


NPC:/talk We are honored to be your friends, Asteria. Now, would you be able to help us? We need to find another Warden, someone who looks like us, not like the evil people.

NPC:Someone who looks like you? Hmmm... I saw someone with hairy ears and a long tail. They didn't look like you Prian, or like Lauryla, but they also didn't look like the evil people.

NPC:/talk Hairy ears and a tail? That might have been a Firran… they look like snowlions, but can walk on two legs like us.

NPC:Yes, yes! A snowlion on two legs! That's what they looked like. Is that your Warden friend?

NPC:/worry We can't be sure until we find them. I also have other friends coming to visit the Ipnya Ridge from an organization called the Crimson Watch. They wear the same clothes like I do.

NPC:No, that snowlion didn't wear clothes like yours. But I know they went towards the Scars! Maybe if you go fast, you can find them there. Can I go with you? You're my friends now!

NPC:/talk We are friends, but I worry for your saftey, dear Asteria. And who will welcome your owl friends back if you leave the Dawnfeather Hill now?

NPC:Yes, you are right, I should stay here and welcome my owl friends. But I will miss @PC_NAME(0). You're so cute, @PC_NAME(0). Come and visit me again, ok?

NPC:/talk Looks like Asteria quite likes you, @PC_NAME(0). But unfortunately we must hurry to the Cragtear Scars at once and find this Firran. Hopefully it's the Warden who left the message at the Memorial.

NPC:/talk Since we also know that they're not part of the Crimson Watch, I assume we will be able to identify them rather quickly. With a little luck, maybe Louisa even spotted them from the Ethereal Haven and met with them.

NPC:/worry Best to say your goodbyes to Asteria for now and let's hurry over there.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Travel to the Cragtear Scars and talk to Ardios.


NPC:/talk Would you look at that. The Crimson Watch already made their way out here and started setting up a camp. Unfortunately for us, they also brought quite a few civilians.


Report to the Object