Quests> I'm Here

ID: 10654
Chapter 31: Ipnya Ridge
9. I'm Here
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 85

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Searching for Allies"


NPC:/talk You found a stone slate with an Ipnysh inscription, but couldn't read it? You really ought to invest time into your language studies.

NPC:/talk I saw the stone slate too and it says "Stop being such a bully, Ardios"! But in all seriousness, I did see the slate and it says "I'm here". The carving debris created in the process is still visible as well, so whoever did this can't be far!

NPC:/talk Finally some good news then! As long as we keep a safe distance from the Akasch followers, I think it's safe enough for us to split up and fan out our search.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Search the Warden Memorial in the Ipnya Ridge for other Ipnysh Wardens.


NPC:/dialogue Hello stranger. This is an odd place you decided to come.

NPC:/worry You're looking for Ipnysh Wardens? Hmmm… I might know where to find one of them. What do you need them for?

NPC:/talk You want them to meet with other Ipnysh Wardens northwest of here? I'll make sure to tell them.


Talk to NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Search the Warden Memorial in the Ipnya Ridge for other Ipnysh Wardens.


NPC:/talk That's close enough, stay right there. Are you with the Crimson Watch?

NPC:/worry If I'm an Ipnysh Warden? I don't know what business of yours that is and even if I were, I would never tell a complete stranger.

NPC:/talk You're here with 2 other Ipnysh Wardens and want me to meet them northwest of here? I'll consider your request.


Talk to NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Return to Ardios at the Warden Memorial.


NPC:/gratitude Well done, @PC_NAME(0)! Both of these people turned out to be Ipnysh Wardens, here to investigate the same odd occurrences we noticed.


Report to the Object