Quests> Catching them All

ID: 10417
Chapter 3: The Nuon Dragon War
9. Catching them All
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Giant Wyrmkin"


NPC:/talk Oh... either way, we appreciate your help Artena. Please forgive me for being plain, but did you just come here to enjoy @PC_NAME(0)'s company or do you in fact have knowledge about this dragon?

NPC:/talk You're not just being plain, you're positively rude! Of course I know who Xaeldryn the Gray is, but he is not a dragon I had considered a possible factor in this problem. I can confirm that we believe he lived and fought during the Dragon War.

NPC:/talk Some ancient texts claim the Nuons plucked an eye from his head, which they kept as a memento to memorize their victory over the dragons. We assumed he died, why else would some bother to keep a trophy of the beast.

NPC:/talk The Nuons killed Xaeldryn and kept his eye? Is it possible that the Minotaurs discovered the eye and now try to summon him back to life, using it?

NPC:/talk Seems unlikely. We have no evidence of any dead dragons being brought back to life. The Daru however possess the ability to grow tamed dragons, using magic amplifiers.

NPC:/talk You think the Minotaurs might be growing a dragon of their own? And they just named it after Xaeldryn because they liked his story and ambitions?

NPC:/talk That definitely seems more plausible. The Minotaurs are not known for their ingenuity, so I doubt they found some new, unknown to the rest of the world, way to bring back dragons.

NPC:/talk You have a point there. And the Giant Wyrmkin also proved to use, that they possess the ability to magically infuse things. Perhaps instead of those magic amplifiers, they found their own way of achieving the same goal.

NPC:/talk Mmmmhm. But time is precious and we don't have time to theorize possible interpretations of the current situation. I say, we just ask one of them.

NPC:/talk What do you mean talk to them? They're hostile beasts that don't take kindly to... anyone really that isn't them. How do you intend to have a conversation with them?

NPC:/talk I know what they are, Estio. They're also self centered and unloyal and I happen to know a very strong warrior that could easily whack one of them over their head and bring them over here for a chat.

NPC:/talk You want us to kidnap a Minotaur and question him?!

NPC:/talk Not you! @PC_NAME(0) will get us the Minotaur and I can make him a cup of tea if that makes you feel better about our approach. Alternately, I also studied very effective, ancient methods of torture.

NPC:/talk You are ruthless, but I can't offer a better plan, so how about it, @PC_NAME(0)? Think you can capture us a Minotaur Berserker?


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items



Stage summary:

Travel to the Dragonroar Fortress in Karkasse Ridgelands and capture a Minotaur Berserker with the Giant Beast Net.



Stage summary:

Deliver the Captured Minotaur Berserker to Estio in Lavis, Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/talk Wow, I can't believe you managed to capture one alive. You must be the very best beast tamer I have ever seen.

NPC:/talk I knew you would be able to do it. I had no doubts in your abilities, you are so clever, strong and dreamy... uh... determined! You're determined to help these Wyrmkin!
